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Dancing in the Streets

French Quarter Festival never disappoints and with spectacular weather this year, this will probably go on record as being one of the largest ever. For you out of towners, FQF is probably the largest free festival anywhere(why verify facts anymore) and encompasses the entire French Quarter Area including the riverfront.

As usual, we entered the Quarter at our favorite drop off spot The Black Penny and began the day with two perfect Sazeracs. Sazeracs are the martini of Bourbon drinks and of course we feel the best ones are made in New Orleans. Pat O'Briens was the next stop because it takes just long enough to consume your initial drink and walk five blocks. Now you may wonder why we chose Pat O'Briens since this is always perceived as a tourist spot, but the main bar on the left as you enter has the least expensive drinks in the French Quarter period. The best part is you can always get served even if it is ten deep.

The rest of the FQF generally tends to be determined by your musical and food tastes as well as you tolerance for "elbow to elbow" crowds. We of course ended up on a balcony to watch the festivities from a higher perch above the masses and even had time before heading out to make a quick stop at Orleans Grapevine for some tasty food and great wine.

Orleans Grapevine

720 Orleans Avenue


Pat O'Brien's

718 St Peter Street


The Black Penny

700 North Rampart Street


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